Monday, November 26, 2007

Peppermint Peril

Andi called me yesterday from the CVS parking lot in a bit of a quandry. Truman has the Final Ear Infection Before Tubes and she was waiting for his antibiotic. We talked a bit about ENTs because Mary Claire has gone through the whole 2 sets of tubes, tonsillectomy, and adenoidectomy rigamarole. I recommended Dr. Ball to her, who incidentally, is the identical twin sister of my OB/GYN, Dr. Ball. No kidding. They look exactly alike. They talk exactly alike. Their mannerisms are exactly the same. When I took Mary Claire to her pre-op appointment, I looked for the stirrups for my feet. That's how much alike they are. But I digress...

Anyway, Truman is screaming inconsolably because his eardrums feel like they're being poked with a sharp, fiery cattle prod, but Andi and I have a much more urgent concern.

All the local Starbucks have run out of peppermint syrup.

What?! It's not even December, and there's no peppermint syrup?

How in the hell am I supposed to add to my waistline while soothing my need for caffeine with a steaming hot Peppermint Mocha when THERE'S NO PEPPERMINT SYRUP IN MY DISTRICT?!?! Hey, Starbucks!! This happened last year! Remember? I'm no java expert, but it seems to me like there's a run on peppermint during the holiday season. Could we stock up? I mean, really--it shouldn't be as hard to find a Peppermint Mocha as it is to find a Wii! Isn't there enough stress during the holidays without having to settle for a white chocolate mocha? It's. just. not. the. same.

The day after Thanksgiving, we had a brand new Starbucks open in town. Andi decided to try her luck there today. The conversation went something like this:

Andi: Dude, I've been told there are no bottles of peppermint syrup in the district. Is it true?

Barista from Fancy Brand Spanking New Starbucks: It is true. But because we're new, I have a secret stash. All the local managers have been trying to get me to give it up, but I'm hoarding it.

Andi: No way!

Barista from Fancy Brand Spanking New Starbucks: Yes, way! I had a district manager actually take three bottles from me to divvy up, but I'm not letting any more of them go.

Andi: It's like Peppermint Prohibition.

Peppermint Prohibition. And thus begins the Christmas Journey 2007.


Anonymous said...

I love being the roving reporter. More reports from the outside are forthcoming.

Anonymous said...

PS - Your blog ROCKS...

Anonymous said...

I recieved a nice, tall, Peppermint Mocha from my friend Andi H. yesterday. From the new Starbucks.
I wonder if it all depends on who you are, who you know or WHO YOU ARE SERVING!?!?!?!
It really tasted great...

Anonymous said...

Andi H sounds like a bitch to me . . . Who knows what was REALLY in that drink.