Friday, November 16, 2007

A New Entry for Webster

Chris and I agree wholeheartedly that sometimes there's just no substitute for the word "fuck". When you're really angry, nothing quite compares. When you're hackles are up, nothing says it more eloquently. Now, don't get me wrong. We NEVER say it in front of my mom. Sis does not abide. There are two words in this world that she cannot tolerate: fuck and piss. Piss, I can live without. In fact, I find it rather crude. But, fuck...well, that's another story.

I haven't always been a potty mouth, but I discover that the older I get, the less refined my speech becomes. I'm not sure why, but I definitely fill in the gaps with profanity more often than not. Charming, I know.

The great thing about the word "fuck" is that it can be used in such a variety of ways. As a verb, as a noun, as an adjective... (Look it up--"fucky" is in the dictionary. Next to the word, you'll see a picture of Mary Claire when she's told she can't play Webkinz. The picture label will read "fucky girly girl who doesn't get her way".) The one disappointing thing about the word is that there's no adverb form. So Chris and I decided to pioneer one. Next time you see him, tell him he's looking rather fuckly. He'll be glad you did.


Anonymous said...

Um . . . could you have discussed the merits and beauty of the enhanced version of fuck, a.k.a. fucker, fuck pants?

Anonymous said...

I would never say that word. It is very inappropriate and not holy.