Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Do I Really Seem That Old?

Mary Claire asked me today if there were grocery stores when I was a little girl or if I had to hunt for my food.


mary said...

HILARIOUS!!! I had to read this one aloud to my sister tonight.

Along those same lines...since I have a June birthday, I was home from school (even college) every birthday forever. But in 1995 I started teaching at a school with a year-round calendar, so we were in session. This was major. My mom came down from Ft. Wayne bearing her full arsenal of birthday gear: cake, activities for my 3rd/4th graders to do all day, and a reel of the old Super 8 reel-to-reel home movies, so we could show my students what I used to look like as a baby. (I was born in 1968, so I would've been turning 27.)

Long story....ANYWAY, we were showing the movies, and one kid said, "Where's the sound?" Another kid whispered, "Shhh! She was born before there WAS sound!" :-)

Out of the mouths of babes!

Katrina said...

HAA!! Born before sound?! You've got it worse than me, sister! At least when I was out hunting for my food, I had SOUND!!