Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Who's the Lucky Lady?

Apparently, only ONE Zionsville female is invited to attend the Holiday Shopping extravaganza.

This makes me crazy. Seriously crazy.

I realize that I make grammatical errors and typos on my blog from time to time. But my posts have not been through multiple hands. They have not been proofed and sent to a sign company. They have not been printed and distributed throughout town (at least to the best of my knowledge).

And most of them are heavily influenced by red wine consumption.

I'm afraid this is what happens in a town that doesn't support public education.

It's all downhill from here, neighbors.


hannyBdesigns said...

This makes me laugh! I noticed that when I was driving the other day. Glad someone else is appalled at the grammatical error too!

Andi said...

I read your blog now! And it's funny...who knew? : )

Laura said...

This is so funny! My daughter is applying for "Sterling Scholar" and the at the bottom of the application (for an ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP) it says, "Scholarship's for SUU: Must have a College Index of 100". Yep-- she's a shoe-in for the English Sterling Scholarship.