Saturday, November 27, 2010

Much To Be Thankful For

It's that season again -- time to reflect upon our lives and to acknowledge each and every one of our blessings. And because it's Thanksgiving time, Jody can't really give me crap about getting all sappy with my gratitude. So, compadres, here it is.

In 2010, I'm Thankful For...

1. Big Daddy Willis, my better half, my rock, my one and only -- and the sweet dance moves he breaks out in the kitchen.
2. My four little (or not so little) Willis's, each with his or her own set of quirks, talents, and general annoyances. They've grown up enough to each hone a unique brand of witty sarcasm... but every one of them still wants to be tucked in at night. I love that.
3. Two stinky, faithful dogs who constantly vie for the sunniest spot on the family room floor.
4. Canine breath mints -- rarely used, always appreciated.
5. Unconditional friendships.
6. Two healthy legs to run... very... slowly... on.
7. Mom and Bob who loved, nurtured, and raised me -- even when they probably would have preferred to ground me... indefinitely.
8. Jean and Dave who -- at age 40 -- were blessed with the surprise that turned out to be the man of my dreams.
9. My extended family -- even the crazy ones (I'm not naming names... but in all honesty must count myself among them).
10. A big ass washing machine and heavy duty dryer.
11. The blogosphere to support my compulsion for over-sharing.
12. Books, books, and more books -- and the gifted writers who continue to pen them.
13. Red wine and chocolate, sometimes together, but always satisfying independently as well.
14. Opportunities for new adventures -- even when we least expect them.
15. Dave Matthews (John Mayer will have to wait to make it back onto next year's list. I'm still a little miffed about the whole Taylor Swift thing.).
16. Trust.
17. Movie theaters, buttered popcorn, and Diet Coke.
18. New tires on the Suburban.
19. Education and a lifelong opportunity to learn and grow.
20. Abundance. Always, abundance.
21. Sappy love songs from the 70s.
22. A voice with which to sing sappy love songs from the 70s in my infinite quest to simultaneously entertain and annoy my children.
23. The gumption to look Big Life Changes in the face and know that all will be well.
24. Laughter.
25. The kindness of strangers... and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving, Dear Ones.

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