Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ode To a Lost Shoe

Oh, gray and red beauty,
How we've missed your exquisite size two.
Was it only yesterday you were running freely
On the foot of my seven-year-old boy?
And now...
Now you've disappeared into the night
Never to be seen again.
If I'd bought you at Target,
The pain wouldn't be so raw.
But with your specialty store price tag,
I feel your loss all the more deeply.
Where have you gone, old friend?
Were you tossed into the dark abyss of the garage?
Perhaps left in a neighbor's sand box?
Are you sitting beside an abandoned campfire?
It's hard to lose a shoe.
It takes some effort to go missing.
The only salve for my wounded checkbook is the knowledge
That flip-flop season is just around the corner.
And that, perhaps, by the time you were needed again,
You would have been too small.
Farewell, old friend.
It's time to surrender your better half,
The half that stuck around for the long haul.
Next time,
We'll be shopping Wal-Mart.

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