Monday, March 8, 2010

Double Vision

Hey, Blogger friends! Good to see you again! For the past couple of years, I've been blogging via my private URL, And for those of you who've been following me there -- fear not! I'm still there. Always will be.


I'm going to copy all of my posts over here now, too. As an aspiring writer looking for representation and publication, it apparently helps to have a platform. (And I've learned that this is NOT something I stand on to perform my next solo.) Instead, I need to be recognized online, admired by many (or at least more than 2). Having both a private domain and a Blogger identity will (hopefully) be beneficial.

You won't have to read both and my Blogger posts. They'll be identical. Feel free to choose the medium you prefer.

I toyed with the idea of copying all my posts over here and vice versa, but decided that would be a colossal waste of time. So, if you've just found me on Blogger and you want to read the past two years of my rants and raves, feel free to catch up over yonder.

It will be a testament to our new-found online friendship.

Onward, friends!

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