Saturday, March 10, 2007

Spring Fever

It's 60 degrees in Indiana today. I've been cleaning out closets, washing winter coats, and looking at new cars. It will probably snow tomorrow and bring me back to reality, but for now, I'm enjoying the spring teaser that March always brings!

We attended the Flower and Patio Show today--all six of us. I always have this idyllic view of what a great family bonding experience it will be. Ha. That lasted all of three minutes. Then Gus was STARVING, Mary Claire's feet hurt, and George was all but backstroking in the hot tub displays. They're playing outside at home now and are much happier.

Yesterday, George had the Mother of All Tantrums. He had pajama day at school (which he was very excited about), and I picked him up early to go visit Stacy, Jody, Ethan, and Jackson. When we got to Stacy's house, he decided he wanted to go home and change his clothes first. I told him that wasn't an option, but that I was sure Stacy would loan him an outfit of Ethan's to wear. That sent him into a complete and total breakdown. He sat in the back of the Suburban we were test-driving for the night and screamed like a banshee. I left him in the car, took the keys, and told him to come into Stacy's when he was done throwing his fit. Jody, however, was very concerned about him being in the car by himself. (Not necessarily for George's safety, but for the well-being of the $50,000 vehicle that we didn't yet own.) She went out to persuade him to come in and ended up forcefully removing him from the car.

Now, let me explain that George isn't a small 4-year-old. He outweighs his 6-year-old sister and is as solid as a brick. Jody, on the other hand, is a wiry little redhead who was clearly overpowered by my demonic, screaming son. Stacy and I stood at the window with glasses of wine and laughed as she dragged him inside to continue his tantrum in the safety of Stacy's office. If I hadn't laughed, I'm sure I would have spanked the daylights out of him. It was not one of his (or my) better moments.

Aaaahh, Spring.

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